Monday, April 11, 2005

On blogs et al

Being some sort of a freshman regarding blogging, as I've done with several other "new technologies" it's taken a while for me to accept it a part of my life, including with RSS and even CSS (!) for heaven's sake.

I used to do a lot of web development and designing in end of 90's but when CSS came and I thought that "damn, I've done this for so many years and this new crap will mix me up totally" and I slowly drifted away from web design. Even though I feel to be on the edge of new technology, I seem to be more of on the Stable release cycle rather than cyber-surfing the nightly-development builds.

Recently I've had a lot of changes in my life, forcing me to take another point of view on how things work - even web sites. Even though I'm not a man of extremities, it tends to make a difference. While researching the available Open Source Content Management Systems for my work and other projects I found myself deep inside the world of the web. I took a crash course into CSS and found out how great it actually is! I refreshed my memory on PHP, since my last effort on it was to study the use of PHP in 2 days to help (make) a school final project for a female friend of mine. I think I learned more than she did from that effort, and still she got the diploma - well, isn't learning the point?

The point? Oh yeah, there's some point - I've found my interest in designing web again! Of course in this time it's nothing special, but still having nearly ten years of experience of webdesign should come in handy when starting off new projects.


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