Tuesday, November 29, 2005


There are some things which you just need to see to believe. I can't name any now, but I'm sure there are some things. I wanted to rant about global warming and green house effect, but then I realized that every damn winter these days is damp and slushy, like a popsicle in your shoe and to be honest I don't even like the cold. But, being Finnish and all I feel revitalized when I step to a sub-zero temperature, the air is crisp and it even feels that I can see better. But then I'm brought back to reality when I need to face the snow castle built upon my car which I need to remove with a flimsy plastic brush.

Now, weather is something you can talk about always and to anybody, and it might seem like a poor excuse to write a blog entry about weather. You're wrong, because we can take wild tangents and speak how different our perspectives about weather are, especially in Winter. I have a good mate here in Riga, he's Welsh Cornish (and really sensitive about it) and to him, the near-zero temperature last week was "cold" when for me it was annoyingly warm, since most of my winter gear are suited for the polar-bear-slashing-igloo- heating-put-your-tongue-in-a-street-sign-freeze-fests that are Finnish winter, at least the ones you remember.

But if there truly are a few miserable things in the world, such as taxes, hairy women, clubbed baby seals and Microsoft - this pseudo-winter is surely one of them. Why?

1. Everything is wet and it's not clean wetness but this kind of evil goo that spews all around your clothes and car and it just won't go away (until it dries up and you breathe it in the summer).

2. The indecisiveness of it all: Is it gonna rain? Is it gonna snow? Is it gonna spew evil goo, is it gonna change during the day and the clothes I selected in the morning will be totally useless and hot? Let's take a scenario here. It's freezing cold and snowing in the morning - you take a thick padded jacket and long johns, your Mother Russia leather gloves and a Brezhnevian fur hat knowing that you need to carry them around all day, but you won't get nut freeze and you'll be able to conceive children. What do you know, in three hours then sun is shining and there's more water everywhere to make Titanic look like a beach party - you're hot, you're wet and by sweating you're getting even hotter, making you sweat even more. If you should take your coat off, it would instantly freeze again ensuring that you would get a cold.

3. Everybody is grumpy due to aforementioned reasons.

4. Santa Claus can't come on Christmas! Maybe we should have Orange County Choppers make Santa a bad-ass chopper to deliver his message.

5. It's dark, because you don't have the snow reflecting the little light we have. That again results in more expensive electricity bills.

6. It makes people blog about this pseudo-winter.

Right, I think that's enough ranting about snow. Trying to do a radio jingle at the office, it's quite hard to fit stuff in ten seconds that would be not just witty and perfect, but also personal and effective. Still it's way better than looking outside.

Have fun, leave some comments, getting quite a lot of people visiting here. Give me your snow updates!


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