Sunday, November 13, 2005

Thesis Time

So far, I've spent the last quarter of my life studying while working full-time, but now it feels that I've come to a point where I actually feel the difference. It's thesis time.

12 hours of classroom life left, drinking stale coffee, eating overly sweet pastries and slowly breaking down surfing in the internet. I think there are a lot of guys in my class, who would've lost their sanity without wireless internet.

1 exam left, no more of spending nights working on a finished exam, just because you need to artificially add literature references, which are a pain in the ass, since you have to spend extra time on trivial matters.

So after I'm finished with those, I'm only left with the thesis. Even though it has been hard to appreciate those annoying tasks and some courses, but at least now I know where to find literature references :).

So the next goal is in February, submitting the first draft of my thesis, hoping that everything will go fine until then.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ei korkeakouluopiskelija voi oikeasti ruikuttaa lähdeviitteistä. Joku roti!

Ootsä vai Jari Vilenin jalanjäljillä?

9:56 am  

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