Tuesday, December 27, 2005

March of the Pigs



The Pigs take up resistance, barricade themselves to the slaughterhouse.

Chaos ensues.

This Christmas was rather nice actually, even though we had to drive quite a bit to meet all family members, but it's just that easy when you have the right company with you. And not just Christmas, there have been quite a few other changes in my life - although more on the mental side. Due to the fact that I'm getting married next summer, I will move back to Finland for at least a few years and I realized that there's no point to keep delaying the inevitable. Can't say that I'm thrilled of the prospect of returning to Finland per se, but the external reasons override my personal preferences.

The Chronic(-What?-)cles of Narnia has also come to the cinemas, meaning that we definitely need to go see it. It's funny how few people actually know about the old classic. My generation saw the TV series, which rocked and I'm expecting quite a bit from the movie. At least the theme song rules.

I could bitch about the car taxation of Finland, probably leading me to sell my car before returning as I would have to pay over 20 grand of taxes, which I think I'll pass and get the bus pass.

Later boyos and girlies!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey banton GREAT title March of the Pigs. Thats what actually caught my eye. I was surfing blogs to try and help my customers and visitors with information on my website about ##Keyword## and paused to read but ran out of time. I will book mark it and come back to read later. This isn't really what I was looking for what I really need is information about http://www.horse-lover-gift-ideas-central.com related subjects but thank you and I shall return. I wish you well.

4:15 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks, you horse-lover girl. It's so great to have these lovely comments about horse-loving. Do you use a lot of ##lubricant-keyword##?

4:20 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

jäkäjäkä veroista sanon minä. :)

och samma på engelska:

Finland is Finland.

4:11 pm  

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