Friday, January 06, 2006


Aretha was right, we should all have a little respect for each other. Today I have participated in a most interesting discussion about the so-called lower level jobs, which most definitely are not low level in any way except the way the school recruitment agents promote their schools and degrees to have people study with them.

It seems like people have lost respect of their own jobs and values, lower level jobs seem always be only transitory in western countries. Naturally this will be a little distorted when you have a schooling system that is free and almost everybody with simple hand-eye coordination can get in - meaning tens of thousands of new students accepted each year waiting to sign in after graduating.

Our way of life would not work without cleaners, postal workers, police and what have you. I'd like to see the MBA to fix his own car or do his HVAC installation, I'd like to see the Engineer to heal their family or clean their own pool. These people earn their respect from me and I try to remind them of the important work they are doing every day by being as easy and helpful as possible, but now I've noticed that these people themselves don't respect themselves.

When I was a kid, the postal delivery guy was an important guy, of course he was less important than say a fifty years ago, but he was still a messenger - delivering important information (of course, later in life I learned that they only deliver bills) and keeping us informed with our newspapers and stuff (this was before the internet sold out.) Today, the postal workers are mainly part-time workers who don't give a flying fuck about what they are doing - they're just in it for the quick buck, trying to get through their school and student loan payments. When you go to a restaurant, the people there are not proud of what they are doing. In the discussion I was having, there was a great example of a trio of businessmen eating in a restaurant and the waitress being ashamed of working there, and the businessman just told her that without her no one would be eating there. That was a great example of how the world has changed to a differently valued system that is corrupting our values from within.

Pretty screwed, huh. This lack of motivation passes it forward, since when the only person you see outside your shitty day at the office looks like she would like to slit her wrists while selling you a cup of coffee will not make you feel like prince Charming for the rest of the day. Is this a change for good? The old saying says that the more things change the more they stay the same, doesn't seem to apply here. I wonder why.

Well enough of that.

Movie stuff (hey!) - Lord of War was pretty damn good, I have a love-hate relationship with Nick Cage. He's somehow charming (I just saw him in National Treasure - another one of those don't-spend-a-buck-in-the-theatre-but-rent-it-later-things) but somehow so annoying. Still, the movie was funny in its realism and witty sarcasm. Might even buy it.

Oh yeah, got our first visitor from Brazil - how cool is that. Though I think the poor dude just lost his way somehow, but that's another continent for the blog. Huzzah!

Peace out, have a nice weekend - I'll be off in a rare opportunity to rock with my band tomorrow. WooooT!


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