Saturday, February 04, 2006

Standard of living

Saturday morning, a long time since I've had the opportunity to wake up later than single digits. Lovely. Although the fridge did its best to keep us up all night, gurgling and making noises, I think it's about to die or something. Funny thing about the fridge is that it was the second time it did that, but it only makes the sound during the night.. maybe it's a were-fridge or something. I need to check it out but it just feels like there's no point since we're _just_ moving out. Only thing we need to do is find the place to live in. Trust me, that has proven out to be the most difficult part.

When you get to a certain age, you know what kind of place you want to live in. Simple, sure, but when the demand for those kinds of places is higher than the supply it results in two things - higher prices and low availability. Now, thinking myself of being some sort of a business man, thinking about investments and all that - going with the flow of a pricing anomaly seems very foolish of me, if we would be talking about stocks or bonds I wouldn't touch them, even with any other investment property - I wouldn't bother looking to that general direction - but we're talking about my (our) future home. Which we will live in for the next five years at least.

We know what we want. We want three rooms, so we can have some peace of mind when we're both home at the same time. We need an office room, since we don't want to bring work to the rest of the apartment, and we also need the arts room, so that should justify the need for a third room. One room is for the bedroom and one for the living room. We need a lot of space for clothes, so a place with a wardrobe would be high on our list. We want high ceilings, because they're just sexy. We want to have enough space in the bathroom for a proper washing machine and I need a good kitchen, including a dish washer, since I'm used to it and I cook a lot. We also need a place were there's good enough public transportation around, so that means we want to be in the downtown area, since we need to travel a lot and there wouldn't be any sense in living far away from the places we need to be constantly in. We also want to have a balcony, because you can spend nice summer days there or just dry laundry, also very handy when you have a party and friends who smoke. I would also like to have a sauna either in the apartment or at least in the house, I've lived too long without a sauna and I'm sorely missing having one around so I can go there when I want to. Of course, it can't be too expensive, since I'm not a millionaire (yet).

So far we've browsed through hundreds upon hundreds of ads, finding 5 interesting options - three we've had time to see - and one of those three is interesting - but it's in the street level. I'd really like to get this thing done and start planning the next phase of my life. Hopefully next week we'll have time to go see the two other apartments and make the decision to buy our future home.

Respect to the east coast mind itch homies, you've been a plenty! ;)


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