Sunday, April 02, 2006

End of Silence

Whoom. That's the sound of time passing by at the speed of light. It has been a while, but I just haven't had the time nor the energy to liberate my thoughts. See, we just finished moving to our new flat last night. Before that there was a lot of packing, sorting, organizing and especially calling people because they didn't show up for the move.

I don't know what's it with people, that makes them so scared of helping others. Or maybe I just don't have good-enough friends :). Anyway, stuff have moved - now what's left is to get the furniture from the store (sweet), clean (not sweet) and organize the rest of the stuff (semi-sweet). Thank god we're getting most of the furniture new, so we didn't have to carry them over from the old place.

Also a lot of other things happened, spent a long weekend in Riga with my main man Ben and sold my friggin' apartment in the same city (super sweet), meaning that I'll have to go there to pack up (really uncool), but hopefully I'll have some good help there to help me do the thing and good thing is that most of the stuff is already packed, so it'll be just detailing - to make sure that the company that delivers the stuff will deliver them intact.

Allright, back to unpack. Enjoy life, spring is coming!

np: K.O.S. (Determination) from the album "Black Star" by Mos Def

ps. Actually had to post this from Blogger instead of ecto, seems like there's something wrong with their match. Well, manual labor it is.


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